How to Play Gun Run in Apex Legends

How to Play Gun Run in Apex Legends

Gun Run is a new limited time mode in Apex Legends that can be played during the Apex Legends Beasts of Prey Collection event scheduled for September 20, 2022 to October 4, 2022.Apex Legend’s limited time game modes are always fun and this guide will show players This guide will show players how to play Gun Run in Apex Legends, and players can also have plenty of Apex Legends Apex Coins for Sale in the game.

How Gun Run works

Gun Run pits three teams of four legends against each other in a wild scramble. As with Control, matches will not be played across the entire Battle Royale map. Instead, Gun Run will have two featured POIs: the original Skull Town from Kings Canyon and Fragment East from World’s Edge. on both maps, players operate through a list of weapons from Apex. unlike other kinds of Gun Game modes that are free, Gun Run is free every time player is killed, they jump over teammates and get the next gun on the list.

Gun Run is also tied to weapon proficiency, so players don’t have to worry about looting ammo or other items. All players have unlimited ammo for their equipped weapons, access to health items, and automatic respawns. The mode also includes an “enhanced” tracker located at the bottom of the screen that shows you how many weapons you will skip if you kill with your current weapon.

How to play Gun Run in Apex Legends

To play Gun Run, select the playlist in the bottom left corner of the lobby menu during the Beasts of Prey event, then select Gun Run. Just like in Alias, the map will be displayed and you will start a race with your teammates at the respawn point. However Gun Run is a limited time mode and will only last until the end of the Apex Legends Beast of Prey event. So Gun Run will only be available for a few weeks.

The way Gun Run works in Apex Legends is that in the premise of the game, players need to use 25 cycling weapons to get kills. Once a player scores a kill with one weapon later, the player advances through the 25 weapons and the first person to score a kill with 25 weapons wins. Gun Run will place you in a three-man squad against three other squads. This includes changing weapons with each kill, and the player will be able to see the two guns next to them in the bottom right corner of the screen. If the player is the primary member of the squad, the player can simply upgrade to the next weapon, but if the player is behind in the squad, the next gun will upgrade the player to the gun used by the player’s primary teammate.

Gun Run Maps

Gun Run maps include King’s Canyon’s Skull Town and World’s Edge’s Fragment East. these maps will be larger than Arena’s maps and are still Battle Royale area entertainment. Each team will start at a respawn point in the corner of the map and kill 25 enemies along the way. the Beasts of Prey Collection campaign also includes Loba heirlooms, new cosmetics and a free bonus track.

This is the guide on how to play Gun Run in Apex Legends. If you think this guide can better help you win in Gun Run, feel free to subscribe to for more useful guides.

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Jared Nelson

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